Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8th - Project 52!

Starbucks and YouVersion before church. One of the MANY things I'm thankful for!

A link to my church...check it out!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm weak!

Last night after eating dinner..Chicken Taco Chili (5 WW pts!) Landon asked for dessert. But not just any ordinary dessert but...."Momma, I want a special sssppppecial kind of dessert! What can you make?" Seriously a kid that cute how can I resist him!? So, needless to say I caved! And I ended up eating some of that "special kind of dessert."

Introducing..... Nutella Crescent S'mores!

I have no idea how many WW points these are and I don't want to know how much the four I ate totaled up to be! ;-P


Monday, January 2, 2012

This Year..

I’m happy.

I’m surprisingly happy.

Although 2011 was a crazy year...I have so much to be thankful for!

The past year I’ve met some great folks that I know we will be friends forever, moved into a place I love, still have a good job, I’m healthy, my family is healthy….Life is good!

Although it does not feel like 2011 should be come and gone.. I welcome 2012! I know it will be a year of huge change for me and I welcome the change as well! Nothing but more happiness I’m sure! ...I pray!
My New Years Plan

 Seek God more
Sleep more!
Drink more water
Drink more wine ;)
Pray and listen
Go back to school
Become the one day I want to ME
Use my planner more often
Learn how to crochet
Eat better....stick with WW this time. Today! I'll start TODAY!

I'm sure there's so much more I could add to that list...and I'm sure I will. :)
